Facebook API

2017-05-11 17:21

Here is how to proceed.
1. You need a Facebook user account
2. Go at https://developers.facebook.com/
3. Click on “Apps” and “Add a New App”
4. Enter a name for your Facebook app (you may choose a name that refers to your platform, like “Apps Maker Company”). This name will be shown to the app users when they would want to create an account in the mobile app through Facebook connect.
5. Choose “Communication” for the app category, and click on “Create App ID”:

6. Choose “Facebook Login” in the list by clicking on “Get Started”:

7. And set the settings like this (change “yourabcappdomain” by the URL to your ABCApp):
(We recommend you to set both “http” and “https” address, and so 6 entries)

8. From the left menu, click on “Settings”
9. In the App Domains field, let it blank.
10. Click on +Add Platform and choose “Website”
11. In the Site URL field enter the address of your platform (aka your ABCApp) and this time with “http://”, and “www.” if your platform is on your main domain. If it’s on a subdomain, enter your subdomain like http://apps.mydomain.com. Enter also the URL to your domain name, and http://*.yourdomain.com (if your ABCApp is at apps.abcapp.org enter http://*.abcapp.org”. Then save.
(We recommend you to set both “http” and “https” address, and so 6 entries)

2. You can also add an app icon for your app. It’s not mandatory but your Facebook app will be more professional with an icon when the user will be invited to connect with his Facebook account. Click on Save Changes.
13. From the left menu, click on App Review
14. Switch “Make My ABCApp app public?” to “yes”
15. From the left menu, click on Settings. Copy and paste your App ID and App secret, in your ABCApp Settings > APIs.
17. You’re done!

Tags: API, Facebook
Average rating: 5 (1 Vote)

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