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  • App publication: This guide answers common questions about publishing and distributing apps with ABCApp. Requirements to publish an
    Answer: To distribute an application on the App Store, you need to subscribe an Apple Developer account. The Apple Developer Program annual fee is 99 USD. If ...
  • Features documentation: Offline Mode
    Answer: The Offline Mode is not really a feature, but it allows your users to download the contents of the app in their phones so that ...
  • Features documentation: Places
    Answer: With this feature, you will be able to create a list of geolocated places. It will display all the places on a map, or, if the user ...
  • Features documentation: How to add internal links / in app links
    Answer: This functionality allows you to create links to a feature in your app from another feature. From the feature places , custom page : In CK editor ...
  • Features documentation: Weather
    Answer: This feature enables you to offer a weather widget in your app to display the forecasts for a particular city or to the users find ...
  • Features documentation: Contact Page
    Answer: This feature allows you to create a contact page for your business. Just complete the fields to automatically create a one-touch-call button, a geolocation button ...
  • App publication: Android publishing
    Answer: The automatic method Publication - > General information -> Generate Android APK -> [Generate APK] Click on the button “Generate APK” and few minutes after your APK is ...
  • Features documentation: Custom Page
    Answer: ABCApp gives you a wide choice of features to put your products and activity forward. Custom page allows you to enlighten your business by numerous ...
  • API keys: Flickr API
    Answer: API keys used to display the images from the account of a specific user. You have to be connected under this Flickr account when you ...
  • App publication: How do i generate app download file for IOS devices?
    Answer: here's the explanation ...

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